I decided to get back to
The Others this morning and, in order to build my confidence up after a pretty sucky week, I decided to do one of the monsters.
(Anyone who paints miniatures will tell you that mostly you paint humanoid figures, and mostly people are really impressed by the detail, but it still feels mostly like work: the real joy in the hobby is when you get to do monsters. Even though others tend not to be super impressed by them monstesr are bigger, they're much more fun, you get to research, and show off and invent all kinds of techniques, they're almost impossible to screw up, etc.)
Specifically, I started in on the
Avatar of Pride, which is basically a Cthulu variant, which game me a chance to work with one of my favorite painting products of all time,
Games Workshop's very excellent Biel-Tan Green:
The Others: Avatar of Pride (work in progress) |
The Others: Avatar of Pride (work in progress) |
And, just for giggles, here are some shots of the base-coating, which, after the black primer, start with Games Workshop's
Mournfang Brown and build up to Vallejo's
Light Green.
Biel-Tan Green is a really aggressive/heavy/moody kind of shade, I knew that I needed to come up to some bright colors on the base coat, so I actually brushed this little Cthulu with some yellow Army Painter brand ink that I had left over from a few years ago, just to make sure that the ink didn't wash out all of the detail:
The Others: Avatar of Pride (work in progress) |
The Others: Avatar of Pride (work in progress) |