I started the last of the Alpha Team heroes from
The Others this morning, and I'm not off to a great start.
I made some early mistakes while basing him, then I decided to try to compensate for some tonal issues by washing his torso in GW
Nuln Oil, which was a huge fuck-up, because it made his skin look like...seal skin or something, then I had to try to start correcting for that, which I screwed up by using the wrong paint on the back of his left arm, and, meanwhile, I changed my mind about how I wanted to do his suspenders (braces) and had to paint those over in red, but I over-painted and now I can't pick out the raised bits to highlight them and basically..he's kind of a dumpster fire.
The challenge for tomorrow is going to see if I can do anything with this one, or if we're just going to file this guy under "lessons learned" and move on:
The Others: Thorley (work in progress) |
The Others: Thorley (work in progress) |