Rising Sun: Oni of Plagues (work in progress)

First off, I want to mention that I took a few days off of painting/posting this week to work on a new project, which is a replacement for this blog.

Basically, while Blogger is fine, I have some different ideas for how I want to do these blog posts for The Labor in Vain. Essentially, it boils down to two things: for purposes of managing the brand, I need more control over the front end than Blogger provides and for purposes of licensing and representation, I need to actually own the data.

What that all means is that, at some point very soon, this blogger will go away and be replaced by a proprietary piece of software that I am developing.

(If you want to check out the source or follow the progress, the code is on GitHub.)

In the meantime, I did actually do some painting today, so here's that:

Rising Sun: Oni of Plagues (work in progress)

Rising Sun: Oni of Plagues (work in progress)